We are a Network with the following objectives:

  • Being a source of sustainment for contemporary dance festivals.
  • Serving as a platform for building collaborative projects.
  • Conveying information, relevant knowledge and good practices between partners and collaborators.
  • Being a factor in the shared prosperity of the contemporary dance framework in Spain.

The Network is structured in General Assembly, Commissions and Board of Directors.

Competences of the General Assembly:

    1. Determining membership additions and removals.
    2. Electing the members of the Board of Directors
    3. Determining the signing of collaboration agreements with private or public entities.
    4. Receiving the report of the Board of Directors on the activities conducted as well as approving their management.
    5. Examinating and approving annual accounts.
    6. Giving proper destination to the economic assistance and subsidies received.
    7. Sanctioning members’ behaviours that go against the Law, the Articles of Association or the membership agreement.
    8. Setting ordinary and extraordinary fees.
    9. Providing or taxing the assets of the Association.
    10. Modifying the Articles of Association.
    11. Dissolving the Association.
    12. Any other task not specifically assigned to another management body.

The Comissions enable the participation of the members and collaborators in specific matters. Their aim mainly consists in collaborating in the construction of cooperation projects. However, it can also be enabled to other hypothetical artistic or technic profiles.

Competences of the Board of Directors:

  1. Executing the resolutions of the General Assembly.
  2. Elaborating financial reports and submitting the annual balance sheet and accounts to the General Assembly for approval.
  3. Submitting proposals about the admission of new members and agreements with collaborators to the General Assembly.
  4. Appointing delegates for specific actions which aim to accomplish the goals of the Association.
  5. Taking urgent and indispensable action for the sound functioning of the Association, without prejudice to the presentation of accounts to the General Assembly.
  6. Any other activity mandated by the General Assembly.

Positions within the Board of Directors:

  •  Chairman: Roger Fernández. Festival Figueres es Mou. roger@agitart.cat +34 651 43 30 22
  • Vice-chairwoman: Paula Quintas. Festival Abanea. paulaquintas@gmail.com +34 669 25 83 84
  • Secretary: Natividad Buil. Festival Trayectos. info@danzatrayectos.com +34 660 951 189
  • Treasurer: Roberto Torres. Festival Cuadernos Escénicos. info@elteatrovictoria.com 34 699 41 20 32

Acieloabierto was founded in 2013 as a non-profit cultural association. This network was officially presented in the Feria Internacional de Teatro y Danza de Huesca in September 2013.


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